Sorry. It's been a while since we last spoke. I would like to blame it on the amount of things I've had to do but the reality of it is that I'm just not completely warm to the idea of sharing my thoughts in a blog on a regimented schedule.
Nevertheless, there is a time and a place and it's now and here.
So where were we?
Florida Grammy Showcase - We played it last week and it was fun. Mike (our friend and sound man), Colin, Rich and his friend Aaron and I drove up to Orlando early to make the sound check at 2:30. Rich did a great job filling in on the kit. The Social kind of surprised me. When we were doing research for our upcoming tour, we deduced that it was a little big for us as a venue (solely based on the reasoning they had just hosted Less Than Jake.) So I guess my imagination and I expected a thousand-plus club. It was still very fun to play and everyone there was really nice including the house sound man, Wayne.
After sound check, we had some time to kill before the show so we popped over to Downtown Disney. After leisurely perusing the shops and eating ice cream, I saw a little train ride for children that must go in a circle that if spread out would reach not much longer than 30 feet. Colin, meanwhile, felt like a beer but saw that old Walt had hiked up the prices a bit too much on the Miller Lite. So I thought it'd be funny to offer to buy him a beer if he rode on the kiddie train. He discounted my offer in a split second, completely unwilling to even entertain the thought of him and his dignity going around in tiny circles in those tiny seats surrounded by tiny children. But it soon turned into a negotiation scene out of a bank heist movie. I pleaded and reasoned. He scoffed and shook his head. I begged and threatened his manhood. He spurned and sneered. I upped my offer to a $9 Margarita. He lined up in between a booger-eating 4-year-old and a little girl with a funny haircut and a Dora knapsack faster than I could spell "Mickey Mouse."
And you know, he rode it like a man. Everyone laughed at him but afterward, I bought him his margarita and rubbed my face which was sore from too much laughing. Everyone's a winner.
Because of exams, the rest of the band made the show just in time. We played pretty well but everyone agreed that the set was too short. ArtOfficial deservedly won. They were head above heels better than everyone else. So while we didn't win the $50,000, we did come away with some prizes like software, headphones, a microphone etc. Mike was a champ in driving back that night. I fell asleep in the back.
With summer approaching, Phil and Sean had to further their degree studies and got jobs in Berlin and Boston. But we still had a tour to do so with the help of friends' recommendations, we found Daniel Hammler and Alejandro Elizondo. Dan is from Austria and will play drums for the indefinite future. Alejandro is from Florida and will play keyboards and guitar. Colin and I are truly excited for these new guys. We've been rehearsing almost everyday and the songs sound incredible. We're working very hard to cement the tour dates but we will be on the road from the 1oth to the 29th of June. We will post the confirmed dates on the website and Myspace so keep checking up and if we're in your city, please come say "hi."
Before Phil and Sean left, I wanted to try and capture the group's sound, knowing that it would completely transform with new members of the Juice. Mike was kind enough to transform my living room in Criteria Studios - Coral Gables and he's working on mixing the tunes. He also recorded us at our frequented Eleven Leprechauns. I'm going to post the live recording of a new song called "Proximity Bomb," on Myspace pretty soon.
I've been Twittering recently. I can see how this thing might be therapeutic but also a huge pain in the ass.
At a PS14 show a couple months ago, our set got rained out and while we were in a mad scramble to prevent our electronics from getting short circuited, I met a woman who offered to film a music video for us. I was intrigued and after she sent me her portfolio, the "intrigue" turned to "impressed." Alexia Maxwell began filming for the "Concrete Dreams" music video yesterday in Overtown. I'm extremely excited to see what she comes up with.

The Miami New Times is conducting their annual "Best Of" poll. Please take one second in between sips of your coffee and vote for Tristan Clopet & the Juice under question 7.
We have a new show on June 4 at Transit Lounge in prep for our tour. This is our last concert in Miami for a while so if you've heard the music, or haven't heard the music but heard about us or heard about how distinguished Colin's beard looks and you haven't seen a show yet, this is the one to go to. We'd really like to meet you. Really.
Anyway, right now, I'm going through a big Killer's and Interpol phase. I got the new Eminem and he continues to amaze. And I'm drinking apple juice on this Sunday morning, something I haven't done quite a few years. If there's a better juice than Simply Apple, I haven't found it. But I'm open to suggestions.
It was nice catching up. I'll talk to you later. Have a great week. Also, life is supposed to be enjoyed so this week, treat yourself to something that you deserve.
That's my fortune cookie segment of the blog. But seriously, life's too short.